Kevin's Headspace

My Fybro

I have fibromyalgia,

What does it feel like?

It feels like i’m being stung by wasps, or like i’m getting electric shocks, or my joints are dislocated, need I go on?

And sleep is like a luxury, I get 2 hours sleep, then wake for a few until I’m so exhausted I might sleep for another 2, if i’m not too sore.

Co-Codamol, helps a bit but doesn’t last long, it lets me relax long enough to sleep for a bit. (2 hours sometimes 3)

I’ve been on







None of them help, unless I take a normal painkiller as well!

Kevin's Headspace

Genesis – a work in progress


The Beginning

In the beginning was a small area of land on which we lived. Food was beginning to get very scarce, and so two of us were chosen to go on a quest to find more.

They travelled far, faced many dangerous animals not like us, crossed many dangerous lands, and finally found a beautiful place with many strange trees, bushes, ponds, plants, birds and beasts. Adam called this place Eden.

They tried various plants and fruits, some were awful and some were good.

At the base of the largest tree were a huge cluster of things Adam had never seen before, like small flowers but without petals, he pinched the edge of one and took a small piece and placed it in his mouth, ready to spit it if it tasted awful. It did not.

He was wearied from travelling so long so he sat below a smaller tree and rested.

Then the most amazing thing happened.

To be continued…..